Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I read recently 'Relationships are spiritual experiences and not a needs exchange' .... set me thinking how many Indian marriages would survive the litmus test .... why consider only arranged marriages, how many Indian parent-son relationships where the parents crave for a son who can look after them in their old age ... would survive the test ...

By no means a serious student of human relationships; however; am a keen observer of human behaviour .... and the above read set me on to some serious thinking.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Men are from Mars

And should be sent back there.... packed with video games, latest electronic gizmos, sports cars ... whatever to keep their simple brains occupied and happy ...
Don't get me wrong ... I am all for the view ... men are a necessary evil ... like friction ... but sometimes too much friction is dysfunctional ....
Here are some of the 'gems', I a seasoned professional of over 15 years( definitely NOT a pushover ) encountered on a work trip recently
'Girls are good to see, but not to have on the projects'
My Response ' Pity you do not even enjoy that privilege'
'I am a genius, so I need no clarifications' .... just to set the context right we were in client meetings trying to understand their business processes.
I wondered: It was a wise man who said something to the effect that it is better to keep your mouth shut and hope that the other people perceive you as intelligent, rather than open your mouth and break the myth.
This one question was directed at me .... ' What do you do with all the money .... ( my employer) pays me ' .....
On the tip of my tongue: What do you mean ... u think it is so little that I cannot do anything worthwhile with it???
We all (the group) were in a serious discussion regarding the upcoming general elections in India, and the hues of the politicians in fray. There was almost an uncanny silence from 'this enlightened soul' ...
'I am not well, that is why I am not responding to your nonsense conversation'
My Response : Is the conversation nonsense or is it a case of 'no sense' conversation for you?
Well ... i could go on .... but i'd rather not .... U see, I am becoming more conscious of the real meaning of glass ceiling .... 'A ceiling which certain brains will never scale'
Enjoy, I am off to enjoying the sunny Winterthur....
Until next time...