Sunday, March 7, 2010


The most important ingredient we put into a relationship is not what we say or what we do, but what we are: Stephen R Covey
How true .. And what we 'are' shows up in every aspect of life : our work, our social conduct, our relationships, our pursuits, our passions ..
Had read somewhere that one never knows in advance the form of the relationship which develops between two human beings... , the form depends completely on the two individuals ... to me this is the closest and most palpable way of how soulmates are found....
Human life starts with labels of relationships which are to be honoured.... mother, father, sister, brother , grandparents .... goes on to labels of relationships which we wish to honour ...friends, wife, husband, children ... Somewhere while honouring all these relationships we start viewing ALL of them with definite labels, almost as if the ingredients of the relationship are printed on the label with the quantity and calorie value ....
What about those which do not have a label ... no form which society knows ... just between two human beings where each feels 'alive and human' in the other's presence ... where the chemical reaction resulting from the interaction of the two personalities truly transforms them , where each wants to be a better human being because of the other ...
These are the true relationships, totally deserving of the higher consciousnes of human beings... Let's seek them .